Thursday, March 29, 2007

Doing: The student is comfortable taking a leadership role. The student can stand before an audience with comfort, confidence, and composure. This came from an increasingly developed music and theater program which gives all sudents at all grade levels some on and off stage experience.

The student demonstrates life-long learning skills by being able to utilize a wide variety of information resources. The student speaks to the ability to say " I am interested in _____."
"How can I learn more about it?" The student can access information, read or view carefully the information, understand and analyze the information, critique the information for its value level, use it in combination with current knowledege to create new information, produce that information in a way in which it can be shared with others.

The student demonstrates the ability to be a part of a team enhanced by a strong intramural program whch can engage all students.

The student has a comfort-level with Math. .
* Knowledge of the basic skill areas, having reached AP level in some content areas as a result of coaching, mentoring, interventions and genuine interest on behalf of the faculty.

*Highly skilled in a specific area of interest, ie Art, IA, English and Science.

* A broad, comprehensive resume that demonstrates community service, civic awareness, and participation in the arts.

* A college-preparatory rigor in academics.

* The opportunity to explore, experiment, ina variety of interests as a result of a broad selection of electives.
My education at Provincetown has given me the skill and tools to succeed on my SATs and because of my preparation from here, I have been accepted to all of the colleges to which I've applied .

Community Service Projects.

Teacher scouts and teacher mentors.

Along with the academic rigor, I've been taught the importance of making the choices that will will result in my attainment of my personal desires. There were times when I didn't want to work hard. I was allowed a semester to slack off. My couselour worked with me toward the end of this period. He pointed out that in life I can always choose to let life slip by, just like I'd done that semester, and that when I live that way, I will know that I'm getr, ing screwed by life instead of taking it by the horns. I reflected on how it felt And he was right. To get what I want , I need to live as if I am that person... Then I will be that person.
Writing well : grammar, creative content, organized, practice throughout K12
Tolerance of others and all: confidence, creativity, see a project generated by self through to the end
Expanded Academy program
Inclusion of community: writiers, fine artists, painters, Banner, WOMR, cooks, filmmakers
Noncompetitive physical activities: yoga, dance, track - again, look to community for teachers
In Small numbers hard to do "team sports"
Cut costs of transportation
National Seashore, Center for Coastal Studies
Ecology, biology, ability to tap into resources to expand here
Student has a sense of place, a base upon which to leave for exploration
Sufficient support that all students learning and enjoying education
Student was able to understand the audience or client for which he/she was writing, developing or creating or volunteering.

Understood by witnessing a process for learning that enabled them to produce a piece of work after that process was followed.

Understood and witnessed the importance of their word or promise to complete a task in a timely manner or on time

Able to use their voice to be critical of a project, deadline assignment and have that voice be heard

Immerse themselves in projects without concern for other papers, readings etc. for extended periods of time

Able to work collaboratively with all types of students in a way that enhances learning positively
Career exploration
Solid foundation in math and writing
Self-motivation/study skills
Choice of colleges because of academic achievement and SAT scores
Understanding and awareness of world issues
Knowledge of technology
*Strong content delivered by teachers who had high expectations and prepared us for the likes of the cover of Time.

* When the content was difficult held our hand along the way - gently but strongly encourage , never giving up on us - but not letting us get away with less than our best.

*Gently criticizing so we didn't think everything we did was great and good - but could be improved when it needed to be - then we wouldn't fall apart when those in the real world judged us by "normal" standards.

*Giving us opportunity to shine in areas of our strength, to give us confidence. For example, display our work in the halls, in newsletters in art shows, on the stage in Wednesay morning meetings our principal acknowldeged our benchmarks reached and individual achievements.
1. Literary Knowledge in content areas: Science, Math , ELA, Social Studies
2. Exposure to different form of Literature, genres: classical world
3. Effective Writer : develop topic, organize knowledge and ideas, spelling, grammar, sentence construction, vocabulary
4. Critical Thinking: analyze, check sources, accuracy, differentiate between fact/opinion, Internet sources
5. Electives - application
6. Conduct Research
7. Collaborative team work
8. Learn how to learn - learning style
Students would highlight the following aspects of her educational experience:

* social relationships with other students and teachers
*academic challenges were presented and met - feel weel -prepared for the next step
*participation opportunities in school and community were abundant and meaningful
*stimulating and caring environment
*hopes to have the chance to give back to the school someday
1. Independent thinker
2. Critical Thinker
3. Being a good citizen
4. Tolerance and acceptance of everyone's differences " we will accept everyone's differences no matter what."
5. Sportsmanship

Acquisition of Skills
1. Diverse community of students
2. Strong writing programs
3. Strong PE/Athletic Programs
4. Raising the bar for acdemic expectations
5. Academic Rigor

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

1. Language skills; 3 years, (Latin as well)
2. Literacy skills; vigorous writing demands
3. General Knowledge; demanding history, science and Math course.
4. Dress and deportment codes strictly enforced.
5. Exposure to real world demands and opportunities.
All the students are taking hardcore courses. There are no fluff courses. The academy has been eliminated.
Small school setting/small class size.
Every teacher engaged and playing an active role in the classroom.
Opportunities for involvement in things that I may be interested in, discovery opportunities.
Presented and made aware of how divers my community and world is and how I can fit into ti and be productive.
Developing skills that can be used to address and solve problems independently.
Developing an attitude that through my own hard work I can achieve realistic goals set forth by my community.
Recognizing my own diversity and made aware.
Was not ignored.
Multicultural experiences.
Took 4 AP courses.
Did very well in SATS combined scores.
Enjoyed the school's culture, teachers, and administration.
Took a variety of courses.
Had great exposure to different kinds of courses and offerings.
Participated in many extracurriculur activities.
Had an exchange program.
Developed an understanding of what life long learning skills are...
Personalized interests.
College Prep.
Life long learning.
Other interests.
Good citizenship.
Small class size has grown/ I like it... But still small enough to get extra attention and help.
Teachers exhuberant.
Academy model fulfilling my passion for: opportunities to expand my knowledge through internships in _____.
Teachers are on the same page.
Gossip is down with kids. Learned more about myself through psychology classes, etc. Cross-age tutoring.
VMES class size remains consistent - less fluctuation in size enabling less cliques.
New students accepted as part of the class team - less ostracizing.
School becomes a model for violence prevention/anti-bullying.
Worked on development of community service for seniors. I gave back to Ptown and surrounding towns.
Independent Learner
My curiousity was stimulated with questions and assignments that asked me to go beyond what I already knew. This taught me to think.
Team Member
We discussed our responsibilities to ourselves, our friends, family, neighborhoods, towns, Cape Cod as a whole, Massachusetts and the country and finally to the world; this taught me to think.
We read and wrote about other individuals and what their precepts for living a fgod life and a fair life are .
We discovered our personal strengths and individual talents; I learned to think about myself in an objective way.
We laughed and travelled and grew; we learned to be at home in the world, we learned to ask questions and to find out what we wanted to know.
I. Write
II. Read
III Know where I am headed
IV. Background/education I received will give me advantage I need to achieve my goals.
V. Teachers were supportive and demonstrated to me why I needed to further my education.
VI. Experience other cultures/hear other voices.
VII. Dreams. Goals to achieve.
VIII Small system. Teachers knew me - had high expectations for me- personally interested in me - pushed me.
This student has had an education full of experiences, mentors, and diversity that larger public schools in more suburban and urban areas cannot offer. He was able to learn about literature, art, music and science by working with community members who are specialist in the fields. He's participated in a band, attended and shown work at art galleries, and done field research that univiersity students would pay huge tuition to experience with the Center for Coastal Studies. His school has become a center for diverse learners with accessibililty to post-grad students, international students, urban youth looking for a sage environment, and other non-traditional learners who have been attracted to the school because of the accepting community and options for a residence at the school
Can speak publicly, confidently, informed, fluid and with ease.
Knows the strength, value, gifts of community, natural resources
Feels close, warmth, trust, lasting respect relationships with faculty, adults in school community
Can participate, compete anywhere in college
Has had opportunity to develop one passion and develop it
Passed and was successful on MCAS
1. Knows all implications about being a citizen of the USA (Is aware of political rights). Town elections.
2. Learn to be involved with his/her community.
3. Knows how to write and enjoys it.
4. Developed a passion for reading.
5. Understands Math in a concrete fashion.
6. Is involved with the environment: air, water, land.
7. Technology Saavy.
8. Speaks one foreign language.
9. To explore new ideas, new places.
10. Appreciates are in all forms.
11. Accept differences.
12. Concern about conservation (energy, land).
13. Knows about protecting national parks.
My education at PHS has been exceptional for several reasons. PHS has taught me to be a "thinker." Because of the small class sizes I was able to interact in different ways with my teachers and get the academic attention I needed to excel. I know everyone in the school (faculty, staff & students), therefore I am very relaxed! Can ask for help without feeling stressed. Large schools are fine- small schools are the Best - TGFPHS.
My education at PHS has been exceptional for several reasons. PHS has taught me to be a "thinker." Because of the small class sizes I was able to interact in different ways with my teachers and get the academic attention I needed to excel. I know everyone in the school (faculty, staff & students), therefore I am very relaxed! Can ask for help without feeling stressed. Large schools are fine- small schools are the Best - TGFPHS.
* Specialization in the arts where experiences were numerous and deep with a variety of mentors/specialists whose knowledge has been honed during their careers.
* A preparedness for the world which comes from a combination of coursework and application of skills whether that by through partnerships of work in the community or other schools.
*Development in leadership, where students are involved in shaping and working with other students, teachers, and community members. Students learn the importance of giving back to the community which supports them.
*The importance of learning and hard work, where excellence is honored and a strong work ethic is honored, the culture of the school.
*Innovative teaching/learning.
By attending Provincetown schools, I was able to have a well-rounded education which included athletics and the arts. I had the opportunity to attend a small school system and have the benefits of opportunitites above and beyond being taught to pass an MCAS exam. I was given the opportunitites that were given in larger school systems by working collaboratively with other school systems to make those opportunities possible. The benefits of being in this small school system includes learning how to help others who are struggling in academic areas on a more one-on-one basis than in a larger system.
Helped launch a career in marine biology through apprenticeship with Center for Coastal Studies, Mass Sail, classroom on the wharf established and open to the public for education and lending. Accomplished through courses, mentorships, practical experiences outside of school, internships, use of latest technology.

Provincetown Public Schools Collective Vision

On March 12, 2007 the faculty of the Provincetown Public Schools met during a professional development day to reflect on creating a vision for the Provincetown Public Schools. Each faculty member was asked to reflect on the following prompt:

Imagine it is five years from now. Provincetown schools have been successful beyond our highest expectations. It is the last week in May and Time magazine is interviewing one of our graduating seniors and asking him/her to:

1. Describe or demonstrate the skills or knowledge that he/she has deveoped as a consequence of the educational experience of attending the Provincetown Schools.

2. Explain or demonstrate how those skills or knowledge were acquired.

In as much detail as possible and using as many concrete examples as you can, relate what you see the student doing or saying.

Below are the faculty responses to this prompt.